Monday, February 11, 2008

Go Green!

I'm not sure if the "Go Green!" movement is taking off in the US, but it is going strong in Europe, and has been in some form for over 10 years.

Supermarkets do not provided bags, rather you must bring your own re-useable bag from home, whereas in the US, you can choose between paper or plastic, and easily get items double-bagged if they are heavy.
Kids are taught in school about recycling and being environmentally conscious, just as they are taught to brush their teeth and other basic aspects of life. People keep each other accountable--kids/parents are often ridiculed at school if they drink from a can instead of a refillable bottle.
There are separate containers for the various types of rubbish, and you can be fined if not abiding by these procedures. From my experience in the US, at best you may live in a neighborhood that provides containers and pick-up for the recyclables, but there is no enforcement, so it is still essentially on your own shoulders/conscience to recycle.

In Ireland, by the year 2009, there will be a complete ban on traditional incandescent light bulbs, with the aim that all of Europe will follow suit. I cannot imagine this going over well in the US...many Americans would revolt if they weren't given the "liberty" to buy whatever light bulbs they desired... But perhaps it could work. After all, prohibiting smoking indoors has been adopted in many places in the US, and Europe is slowly encouraging the same (though not yet to the extent as in the States).

Also, in Europe, there are serious efforts made at limiting water consumption. The toilets have very minimal resting water levels, and there are two buttons available to press: one for a light flush, and another for a heavier flush. Also, it is extremely common for people to hang their clothes out to dry rather than using an electric or gas dryer. And of course, the cars get much better gas mileage in Europe...

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