Thursday, January 31, 2008

Four Seasons in One Day

Four seasons in one day--that's one they say about the weather in Dublin. Today I experienced something like that...
This morning, around 9am, as I walked to work, it was sunny and clear blue skies.
At noon as I walked to a meeting, it was cloudy and windy.
At 1pm, there was heavy sleet coming down.
At 1:30pm, as I walked back to my office, it was sunny and clear blue skies.
At 3pm when my boss walked from the other building to ours (15 min walk), it was thrashing rain and very cold--he appeared at our meeting completely drenched, from head to toe.
At 4pm during our rooftop tea break, it was sunny and clear blue skies.
At 6pm when I walked home, it was (dark, obviously, and) lightly sleeting.


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