Friday, December 7, 2007

Banking Issues Again...

I got form in the mail with the title "Fee Advice," and it details all the transaction fees on my bank account for this quarter. They charged me .20 for every single transaction I made with my debit card the past three months--which I use every time I buy groceries, bus passes, etc. Then .20 for each ATM withdrawal, regardless of whether or not it was one of my bank's machines or not. Then .20 for each automated deposit of my payroll, .20 for automated withdrawals for my broadband payments, .20 for the use of internet banking, .30 for each check written or cashed, and 4.50 for general account maintenance.

(Yes, per check...makes me not want to write my friends, church or charity a check but rather give cash, out of principle. I hate throwing money away to nebulous, bureaucratic, administrative entities...)

I went into the bank and questioned the charges. They said I should have read the fine print in the brochure and contract before I signed on. Of course. It's my fault indeed, and they had no mercy.

However, in the future, all these fees can be waived if I simply "top-up" my phone once a quarter--which means put more credit on my pay-as-you-go plan. Easy enough, will do, lesson learned!

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