Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas break

People here really know how to take a break.

As I've already mentioned, no one works on the weekends, and in fact I've gotten quite horrified looks when I've mentioned being in the office on a Saturday. (But hey, I'm making up for hours missed while doing long runs in the daylight hours during the week.) It is a great feeling to not feel expected to tell the boss on a Friday that "I'll get on that this weekend and give it to you on Monday."

Okay, so the above simply suggests that they know how to maintain boundaries in their personal and professional lives. But it gets better...

The university of 20,000+ students literally shuts down from Dec. 22-Jan 5 and goes to great lengths to discourage, well down-right prevent, persons from attempting to work during these Christmas holidays. I've heard stories of how in the past the university officials had all the heating in the buildings turned off and this was enough to ensure no one came to work. Then they started locking the doors to the buildings, but I know some professors who still got in to do their final exam grading. However, when the doors to the toilets began being locked, then that was the last straw. No one can be spotted on campus for these 2 weeks now.

Oh, and lest you think this is only in the academic world, I have been told by many that during the full week between Christmas and New Year's, all the shops, cafes and such will be closed as well.

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