Saturday, December 1, 2007

Traffic Lights

What order do the colors appear when lit in traffic lights in the US?


I imagine this is so that when one is driving while the light is green, the driver can be cautioned by the yellow that the time to stop is fast approaching, right?

Well, here in Ireland they appear in the order


This causes drivers--99% of whom are driving manual shift cars--who are stopped at a red light to anticipate that they are about to be able to accelerate, so they get ready to undo the hand brake (which everyone is taught to use at lights), deal with the clutch, etc...

I guess this is the reason? Other suggestions?


Aamir said...

In the US isn't it red-yellow-green?

Celtic Cryppie said...

No...ahh, perhaps you think I mean the order of the actual fixture, but I mean the order of them being lit up. Make sense?