Friday, October 26, 2007

Black and White Pudding

The Irish will tell you they have two kinds of pudding: black/white pudding or Christmas pudding. Neither of which is dairy based, certainly not custard-like.

Black pudding is basically congealed blood, together with some barley or oats as a filler. White pudding is similar, except without the blood--it's just sausage-like meat and fat together with the filler. These are standard in the traditional Irish breakfast.

Have I tried some? Well...on accident. I ordered a full Irish breakfast (unaware of all that was included on the menu) and after eating some of the hushpuppie-looking things (fried ball of some sort) and not being able to tell what the inside was, I asked a person at a nearby table and discovered what I was eating. Wow. Glad that's done with, I can say I've had it, and will never have to do so again. (It actually had a lot of flavor, somewhat tasty, but the thought of the ingredients utterly takes away all appeal and enjoyment.)

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