Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Television License

In Ireland, if you own a television, then you must pay a 150 euro per year fee. Simply for having one in your home--and there are officials who come knocking on your door to come inside and see if you have a t.v. with no license.

It is managed by the postal company, and here is a quote from their website explaining it:
"Under the current Wireless Telegraphy Legislation it is a prosecutable offence to be found in possession of an unlicensed television set. Fines for an unlicensed television set can be up to €635 for a first offence."

Actually, any equipment capable of receiving a television signal (using an aerial, satellite dish, cable or other means) must have a television license. So if you have the capability on your computer to receive such a signal, then you must pay. If you move homes, then you must have the address on your license changed.

Why? Well, it has something to do with the public service broadcasting delivered by RTE, the national broadcasting organization. I guess instead of being like PBS having telethons to raise money in the US, here the government requires you to fund the service. You can Google it if you're really interested in finding more about it, I'll leave the research to you.

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