Tuesday, August 28, 2007


There don't seem to be public places to do one's laundry. There are dry cleaning services, of course. Then there are reportedly a few laundry services (though I haven't found any, this is just what is described to me when I ask around) where you bring your laundry and pay for someone else to run the washing machine and then they hang the clothes to dry (no drying machines at these places), then you pick up the clothes in a day or two.
I simply want a place where I can go, throw in the clothes, hangout until it's washed, toss it in the dryer, and be all done within 2 hours. I'm willing to do the work and put my coins in the machine, I don't need someone else to do this...but alas, these are yet to be found, except in the dorms on campus or in the hostels downtown. Hmm, what shall I do...?

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