Friday, August 17, 2007

Working hours

It seems offices and services to not open until 9:30 or 10am here. What's a gal to do for the 3 good hours before then? (I guess go for a run...) Then they close early, no later than 5pm. For example, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the banks are open 10:30am-4pm. Receptionists and administrative personnel at the university do not arrive until 9:30. Coffee shops close at 5pm. (Very strange for someone from the US, where coffee shops are the places a person can depend on to stay open late for people to work or meet and socialize.) It appears that people here do not let work dominate their lives...and certainly don't let it encroach on their enjoyment time at the pubs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to work there...I love the hours! -Katie