Saturday, August 18, 2007

Weather Patterns

The temperatures have been in the 60's...well, actually I need to get used to using Celsius, not it's been around 17 degrees. Point is, it's been very pleasant. What about the rain, you ask? Yes, it rains every day, but not in the way I feared. The mornings may offer sunshine, then a passing shower for 10 minutes, then the sun and blue skies, then suddenly dark ominous clouds and a 15 minute shower, then no rain, then...the cycle repeats. It's really quite astounding how fast and frequently it switches back and forth. In Texas, I'd feel like the whole day could be shot if there was rain in the forecast, but not so here!
Meanwhile, often the rain is such that a jacket/hood is sufficient, no need to pull out the umbrella (which one learns should always be with you), but at other times the wind picks up with a good force so there is blowing rain with substantial quantity. The good thing is that it doesn't last very long, max 20 minutes in my experience so far...
I had wondered if there would be much humidity because of the rain, but there doesn't seem to be. I'm no weather(wo)man, but I guess the cool temps and wind keep it out? Whatever the reason, I'm happy. Yes, I have no complaints about the weather yet, and I'm pleased to find I am greeted with some sun at some point each day. Another bit of info is that right now, the sun is rising around 6am and setting around 9pm.
Meanwhile, the sky is incredible. With such rapidly changing weather patterns, the clouds do quite a dance up there; it's in very localized places, so there are distinct differences in the visible spectrum, all in one single scope. The colors and textures create a beautiful canopy--I've enjoyed looking out my window as the sun sets, and over a span of 60 minutes getting a real variety of artistic wonder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's funny that you say that if it's cloudy in TX it's cloudy/rainy all day... isn't it that if you don't like the weather in TX just wait 30 minutes ? In Vermont it DEFINITELY is either rainy / cloudy or sunny all day... that's one of the things I appreciate about Austin... :) Carolyn