Sunday, September 30, 2007

City Centre

Dublin is divided into various postal code regions, and within each little area, there is it's own sort of center--the center of the community, a crossroads where the local pub, shops, chemist and church are located.

Now, I've been instructed that to tell someone I am going into the city centre, I should say I'm going "in to town." However, if I'm just going to my local area centre, I should say "down to town." Okay, got it. Also, one never calls the proper Dublin city centre "downtown," I blunder I was in the habit of saying due to the way in the US.

Note: You may have noticed some different spellings in my posts...for example in this entry, I use "center" and "centre." The latter is a more common British way, as is using "ou" instead of simply "o," such as in "colour" and "harbour."

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