Saturday, September 29, 2007


I have a strong aversion to shopping. Particularly clothes shopping. It gives me a headache, and I try to avoid it when I can (unless it's a thrift store, where I may enjoy finding more eccentric items...)

However, I needed to find a hat to keep my ears warm and the rain off, and for some reason I decided to explore the city's shopping options on a Saturday afternoon. The stores were a madhouse--and not merely due to the volume of customers, but due to the messy state in which the people had left the merchandise. Imagine being in an equivalent of a Macy's or Foley's, and looking out and seeing clothes strewn all over the racks and shelves, piles everywhere in complete disarray. In the shoes section, seeing shoes and boots scattered about completely covering the floor so that everyone has to climb over them and hunt for matches. It was frankly quite appalling, I was embarrassed for the store to tolerate the appearance of a tornado coming through.
So in order to survive, I had to view this as simply a touristic experience of observing the life of shopping on a Saturday afternoon in Dublin and I zoomed through the stores without stopping unless a hat jumped out at me--which occurred once when it fell of the pile of clothes it had been thrown on.

Note: to be fair, these state of disarray was only found in the larger stores, where I guess more people come than there are workers to manage the place. The smaller stores were quite well kept, and also the larger stores are not like this during the week.

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