Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How the Irish Saved Civilization

I just finished the book "How the Irish Saved Civilization," by Thomas Cahill. It tells how the Ireland flourished as "a land of saints and scholars" during the time that the European continent was experiencing the dark ages. From the fall of the Roman Empire and the barbarian invasion of Europe to the rise of Charlemagne, the great classics of literature were preserved in the monasteries of this far off island. After St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland, monks began establishing monasteries that become like university cities, they copied the greats manuscripts and established libraries with the great classical literature, while all the great libraries of Europe had vanished due to the barbarians. Not only did the monks and scribes preserve the Greek, Roman, Jewish and Christian works, but also these scholars were instrumental in spreading learning back to Europe once stability returned. This bestseller book is an account of history that is not always recognized, but one that is beautiful and inspiring (and even humorous)!

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