Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First Cold Snap...

It is September 18. I woke up to the temperature outside being 37 degrees, with a wind chill making it feel like 30 degrees, according to the weather channel. Brrrr! Fortunately, it was sunny, which makes it a bit more bearable. Inside my room, the thermometer said it was 64 degrees. Time to try out these radiators they use for heat!

My inclination was to curl up in a blanket and brood about the paralyzing cold. To combat this, what I have learned to do is go outside for a run. So I donned my special hooded jacket made for running and my gloves and headed to the lovely park nearby. After 7 miles, I was hot and ready to strip down. Then for the rest of the day, whenever I got cold walking to work or such, I remembered running around in it this morning and being hot--thus I knew I'd be able to endure the walks while bundled in a jacket!

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